Developed and directed by Computer Art faculty members and alumni Joe Burrascano (2002) and Anca Risca (2008), the projects McGraw Hill Reading Wonders and Ring Force were featured recently on the website Motionographer.
In Wonders, Nathan Love joins forces with McGraw Hill Education to brand their all-encompassing reading program for kids. They have created an animated trailer for the program as well as a vast range of digital media, web products and marketing material. Other alumni involved in this project are Ryan Moran (faculty and '07 alumnus), Luis E. Perez ('08 alumnus), Ylli Orana ('05 alumnus), Eric Xu ('10 alumnus), David Han ('08 alumnus), David Avetisov ('06 alumnus) and David Lee ('11 alumnus), as well as current students from the class of 2013.
Ring Force is a children's book created by Nathan Love in the spirit of the 2012 Olympics. The books follows the adventures of five different kids, each with their own Olympic dreams. Another of our current students, Ellen Su (class of 2013), also worked on this project.
Read the article on Motionographer and learn more about Nathan Love by clicking on the links.